Well, last week was a long week. I didn’t get to write nearly as much as I would have liked, but I plan to make up for it.
I started out my week with some shopping, hardcore shopping for a few days, that on top of normal life, and getting my house back in order from the holidays and having family in town started to get a little overwhelming. So, I put the shopping on hold for a few days and I’ll try and pick that back up next week…lol.
I did manage to spend one day having a little fun and getting some photo shoots done in front of the x-mas tree for my websites. I’ll tell you more all about those later today.
I did some photo’s for an awesome website:
There are some beautiful women on there, I was honored to be asked to do a shoot for the site. Here’s a few samples but you’ll have to check out www.powerfulbabes.com to see the rest.
I was also featured on a Blog written by my friend and fellow web model Carley. You should check out her Blog and follow her there. She’s an amazing writer and pretty damn HOT too!! Here’s a link to her Blog: Hanging With Carley
I’ve got some other things going on like some new graphics that were made for me by a site member. He really does do some amazing work but I’ll wait and show it all to you at once in my next Blog.
So, it’s been a very busy week, but definitely a productive one, I can’t wait to see what next week brings!! I’ve found my X-mas spirit and I’m ready to start sharing it…lol